A newly cleared 30-acre field sees a net profit in its first year of N-Rich® application compared to a net loss with traditional Ag lime and fertilizer.
Sunni Knoll Farm
New cleared land achieved optimum soil levels in the first year using N-Rich®.
Soils typically have low pH levels and very little nutrients when clearing fields for crop production. It can take 5 to 8 years to grow profitable crops by applying Ag lime and fertilizer. Seeing the significant yield increases of crops using N-Rich, Sunni Knoll Farm cleared a 30-acre field from its woodlot in 2017 to conduct a land amendment study comparing the effects of N-Rich versus Ag lime on its corn and barley crops. The study aimed to determine each one’s impact on soil health, crop production and cost.
The findings: these treatments provided the same amount of nutrients and lime-neutralizing potential. However, N-Rich did not require a crop pre-plant, already saving time and cost.
At the end of the first season’s harvest, the N-Rich treatment increased the soil pH, calcium and sulfur more than the Ag lime treatment in both the corn and barley crops. N-Rich achieved the highest yields and quality and was the only treatment to provide a net profit on newly cleared land.