“I have been using the N-Rich® amendment since 2008 and continue to encourage other farmers to use it. Not only does it have the lime component, it also gives you many nutrients and organic matter at a fraction of the cost of fertilizer & lime. It’s a huge return on my dollar, and my crop yields and quality have increased significantly since adding N-Rich® to my cropping program. Nothing you buy will give you a better bang for your buck than N-Rich®.”
Phillip Burris,
Green Oaks Farm

N-Rich® goes to work quickly, optimizing germination and early growth to capture more sunlight.

In order to give new seeded alfalfa fields a strong start, they need optimum pH, nitrogen, potassium and micronutrients at planting.

Soybean nodules only start providing nitrogen at first flower. N-Rich® provides nitrogen for early growth and phosphorus, potassium and sulfur for larger beans and higher yields.